Education News

The National Happiness Awards 2018: nominations open

Happiness Awards
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Written by Tim Barnes-Clay

Schools rarely reward pupils inspiring through happiness. The National Happiness Awards are bringing about a change.

In the regular education setting, schools only ever reward pupils who excel in examinations, participate well in class or achieve success in extra-curricular activities. Conversely, they often overlook pupils who inspire their fellow students through being happy and up-beat.

The National Happiness Awards are giving those unsung heroes of school a voice, since brightening up the otherwise potentially gloomy classroom atmosphere through their positivity can work wonders in improving the overall atmosphere and performance of the class.

What’s the concept?

The National Happiness Award recognises that some children go against the grain and inspire others with their outgoing personality rather than traditional academic achievements. The award aims to celebrate these overlooked heroes and reward them for their effort.

With the rise of mental health problems affecting young people, resulting in increasing amounts of pupils performing less well at school or even dropping out, the award hopes to set a counterbalance and insist on the importance of happiness and wellbeing at school.

Founded in 2016 by Stephanie Davies, the National Happiness Awards recognise the growing demand for mental health support. But they also believe that an additional focus on those who already have a positive impact on others might already improve the overall happiness in an educational environment.

Nominations are now open

But the award also focuses on other aspects of life. For example, they award the happiest workplace, the happiest worker, or the happiest team. Currently, nominations for all categories are open; the deadline is Friday 19th October 2018. The awards ceremony will take place on Friday, 16th November 2018 at The Landing, MediaCityUK in Manchester.

Several of the country’s leading experts on happiness support the awards. This includes Sir Anthony Seldon and former Home Secretary Amber Rudd. The award is presented to those the judges feel made the greatest positive impact on school and the wider community.